Wednesday, April 16, 2014

If I Were Tika

Tika ? Yes of course ! But not Tika T2. Tika is my cute niece. She was born in Malang, June 14, 2012. Younger than me, hha of course. She is cute, smart and funny. I want to be like her. This is her photos.

In this topic, I will remember the past.

I started my education in Al-Amien Kindergarten. The Kindergarten is in front of my home. Because of that, I always went to school ON TIME (7 am not 6.30 am). Before entered the class we must make a line neatly. After that, we prayed together to start the lesson. The chairs are colorful. There is green, red, yellow, blue, etc and I always sat on the green chair. The lesson that I like are Math and Singing and the song that I love at that time is Bintang Kejora. When break time, I got snack from my school and I ate that snack while played swing. At that time, I’m not too close with my friends. We always played together but I’m not too close with them because I didn’t know what is the meaning of best friend. Haha. The class ends at 10 am. My mother always picked me up, but before I back to home I bought a toy or food first. After I arrived in my home, I get dressed and directly I had lunch while watched teletubbies in Indosiar. After teletubbies, I still watched the other cartoon and if Halo Polisi Program was begin, it means that I must sleep. After that, I did my homework and I ready to played with my neighbor. Now, I can’t do like that L there is no teletubbies, and my old is 17 years, I’m in senior high scholl right now. If there is teletubbies, I would watch it and If I were Tika, I would enter the Kindergarten in front of my school to repeat the past and if I were Tika, and then there is teletubbies, and I meet with my friends, I would say hello to them. 

Come back again with the topic about Tika. Tika is smart. She can catch everything quickly that she doesn’t know before. One day, I played Naik-Naik ke Puncak Gunung song. She tried to sing and dance. For the second time I played that song again, she can sing although just a little bit. I think she likes singing and dancing and if I were Tika, I would enter piano and singing courses. 

And the last thing that I want to tell you about Tika is ….
I ever taught her about english. I said “kiss” and I practiced it to her, she knows the meaning and know if I say "kiss" to her, she will kiss me. Not only kiss, there are some words that I told to her, but if I explain one by one in this blog, I think my blog will full of words -_- .
If I were Tika, I would enter english courses  and my english score will be good ^^

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Proud of You (lyrics), Fiona Fung

I heard this song when I followed the students orientation of Senior High School 10 Malang, Leadership Academy. At that time,  this song touched my heart and opened my mind to do my best to reach my dreams. This song until now, can push me to do my homework, my job, and so on (something positive) . When my junior in the Parents Day event, they sang this song together (one batch of 10 grade) and I'm as the committee of that event, I heard them and my tears fell down. So, I want to share this lyrics for you and be better if you don't know this song, you can download by yourself. 

Love in your eyes
Sitting silent by my side
Going on Holding hand
Walking through the nights
Hold me up Hold me tight
Lift me up to touch the sky
Teaching me to love with heart
Helping me open my mind
I can fly
I'm proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
Till the end of the time
Believe me I can fly
I'm proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
The heaven in the sky
Stars in the sky
Wishing once upon a time
Give me love Make me smile
Till the end of life
Hold me up Hold me tight
Lift me up to touch the sky
Teaching me to love with heart
Helping me open my mind
I can fly
I'm proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
Till the end of the time
Believe me I can fly
I'm proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine
The heaven in the sky
Can't you believe that you light up my way
No matter how that ease my path
I'll never lose my faith
See me fly
I'm proud to fly up high
Show you the best of mine
Till the end of the time
Believe me I can fly
I'm singing in the sky
Show you the best of mine
The heaven in the sky
Nothing can stop me
Spread my wings so wide
I felt sleepy when student orientation was began. A lot of activities that I did.

Student Inauguration of SHS 10 Malang. It made me cry and I hugged my father after the event was finished

Thursday, January 30, 2014

2013 is the Year of Improvement, 2014 is the Year to Get the Results

hi, meet again with me in the new year :)
Yes, because of this is still new year, I would like to tell you about my resolutions in 2014 but before that let's remember what we have done in 2013.
Based on my journey for a year, 2013 can be my year because there are many happiness and improvements that came to me during that year and in that year I felt more happy than in 2012 so I can say that 2013 can be my year.  My happiness and improvements were began when I had choices between enter science class or social class, and finally I chose to enter social class.
The Member of Rexona (Arek Xoxial Membahana)

After gym, new clothes

When I entered social class, I met with new people who have different characteristics. Social class has 24 extraordinary students. They are active person. Active in organization, competition and so on. At the first time I entered this class, Dea was absent because she must did some exercises for the Independence Day. The second day or the third day (I am forgot), 10 students were absent because they are the member of BDI (Badan Dakwah Islam) that did some preparation for their event. Because of many students who were absent for the positive activities in the first week , it opened my mind to join organization in this school so when there is selection of MPK (Majelis Perwakilan Kelas), I joined that selection and now I become the member of MPK.

after MT (Musyawarah Terpadu MPK)

Approximately two until three weeks later after I entered social class, I saw some my friends were absent because of they are joined competition. I felt shame with my friends at that time if I’m not join competition hehehe, so after that I browsed in internet to find some competitions and I found some competitions like Accounting Olympiad, business plan and writing contest. I  became the second winner of business plan competition and also as the participant in the other competitions. I am very grateful to God because I got a lot of experiences and I got money from that competition. I will improve my achievement in 2014. I must productive in this year so, I really happy when I met my friends in social class, because they can change my life to be better although sometime I felt angry and disappointed  but actually I love them so much :P

AIESEC (Member of Inazuma 10) Dream School Competition

the member of business plan (The banana's yummy)

Besides that,  I can  focus more when studied because the lesson is less than the lesson in grade ten so my score in third semester is higher than before. I am happy with that but I must always increase my score until in the last semester, so my score graph is start from left-bottom and then increase until right-top. 

In the last month of 2013, I had the wonderful experiences that never I got before. I went to Panderman mountain (In Batu Malang) with my senior high school's friends (Giska, Rotul, Arnold, Febi, Ferdi, Sandro, Ines, Yaafi). That’s the first experience for me. I hiked and camp there. I dare to walked in the dark :D and for additional, the unforgettable moment in 2013 is all of Leadership Academy batch one, went to Coban Rondo to outbound together. That outbound made us more solid and know each other. I will always remember that outbound and perhaps someday, I will miss that moment. Love you all guys :-)
outbound with Kitten (X.10 / 2013)

December 2013, Top of Panderman Mountain

That is my improvement and the experiences during 2013. And know I will tell you about my bad habits during 2013. Do you know that this school has many events or something else. We always have the home works or daily examinations. It made me hard to apply the third habit (Put First Thing First). I can’t manage my time well. The impact is sometime I worked hard from the morning until night but sometime there is a day that I did not do anything, I just slept. Because of that, in the third semester I have not the totality yet to do something. For example I often thought that tomorrow I still have time to do my homework. I thought like that until the deadline made me death so for this special year (2014) I can be more totality when doing something. By the way, why I say that 2014 is special year ? because in this year my old is seventeen years old :D hopefully something nice will come to me in this special year and also in 2015. I can face and solve something bad that will come to my life and something that I have not reach yet , hopefully I can  reach it in this year :D

Thursday, November 21, 2013


In ancient times, there was a boy named Arthur. He was 10 years old. His parents were very rich. He was very naughty, arrogant, likes to lie and always spoil.
One day, he played together with his friend (Jane and Harry). They played in the classroom. Arthur showed his new toy to them and mocked them because of their bad toy. It made his friends annoyed because his toy was thrown to the floor until broken.
Arthur   : Hi guys, look my new toy ! it’s good right ? My father bought this toy yesterday. He said that this is the most expensive toy in the world. How about yours ?
Harry     : mmmm,, this is my toy. This is my favorite toy since I was 5 years old.
Arthur   : hahaha, what is this? Bad toy! (Arthur throw Harry’s toy) Look, my toy is the best toy. Not like your toy !
Jane       : Why you say like that ? you are very arrogant. Please take Harry’s toy !
Arthur   : NO !
Jane       : Ok, now I will call Mr. Ben and i will say to him that you mocked us and destroyed Harry’s toy !”
         And then, Mr. Ben come and angry to Arthur. That condition made Arthur annoyed and he decided to back to the home.
                In the next day there was math exam. He chose to sat with Jane. He tried to apologize to Jane. That’s his strategy to be allowed to sit with Jane. hhmm,, actually Arthur just want to cheat. So, during the exam, he cheats Jane and Jane didn’t know about it.
                In the next month, his father got cancer. Little by little, they exhausted all of their money for medical expenses of his father until recovered from his illness.  When his father already health again, all of their  wealth was run out. Now, they just lived in a small house. His father work as a farmer and his mother just became a housewife. Arthur really sad with this condition because ha can’t bought a lot of toy again but he always tried to hide it all. He still arrogant to his friends but actually he didn’t had anything.
                Until one day, he cried under the tree and he met with a girl that can fly and had magic. Her name is Tinkerbell. Tinkerbell was sad with Arthur’s condition and she decided to became Arthur’s friend that always accompany him and gave all of the things he want.
Tinkerbell            : hi, what are you doing ? why you cried here ?
Arthur                   : I do not have any money. Firstly, I was a rich person but now I'm so poor because all of my money exhausted for medical expenses of my father’s illness.
Tinkerbell            : who is your name ?
Arthur                   : i’m Arthur. Who are you ?
Tinkerbell            : I’m Tinkerbell. You can called me Bella. I was willing to be your friend. I can give all of the things you want. Now, what should i do to entertain you ?
Arthur                   : Can you gave me a toy ?
Tinkerbell            : toy ? what for ?
Arthur                   : for my friend. Tomorrow is his birthday and didn’t have anything that can i gave for him.
Tinkerbell            : ok .
                Then, with her magic, she can gave a toy to Arthur. Arthur was very happy.
Tinkerbell            : Arthur, i will gave you some informations that very important.
Arthur                   : what ?
Tinkerbell            : Don’t ever lied to me or to the other people because if fou lied to us, your nose will become long and big.
Arthur                   : it’s oke. Hhmm how can i believe to you. How can my nose will become  long and big. Huhh,, stupid girl ! now, i’m lying to you !
                Next day in the school he told to his friends that he already bought a new toy that more expensive and more interesting than before.
Arthur                   : i have ne toy again . yeyeyeye...
Harry                     : did Your father bought it just for you ?
Arthur                   : yes, you’re right
Jane                       : hah ? i ever listened information from my neighbor that now you become poor people.
Arthur                   : who said like that ? now i lived in apartment that bigger that my house before.
                The bell rang. it was time for go home. on the way to home, Arthur remembered tinkerbell’s message if he must always tell the truth. If lied, his nose become longer ang bigger. he began to afraid with all of it. firstly he  did not believe it . then she tried to forget it.
                And then,, when Arthur slept, he dreamed. His nose became long and big like elephant’s nose. It because of he lied to Tinkerbell and his friends. When he woke up, he afrai afraid and afraid if that will become true.
                The next day, Arthur lied to his parents. He said that he got sick  but actually no. He said like that because today he felt lazy to do anything and Tinkerbell apparently knew all of Arthur’s lies because at that time Tinkerbell in his bag. Tinkerbell was disappointed because she always helped Arthur and didn’t do what Tinkerbell said before. Then, Tinkerbell wanted to met Arthur.
Tinkerbell            : i already said to you that don’t lie to anyone but you broke my advice. I really dissapointed to you and now i can’t helped you again. Don’t be shock if your nose become long and big. I really sorry because i can’t helped you.
Arthur                   : i’m sorry Tinkerbell, i promised i will be the better person. Please helped me.
Tinkerbell            : i’m sorry but it’s too late. I can’t helped you Arthur. Now just be patient and change your character ! don’t be naughty boy, spoiled boy and arrogant boy. From this experiences, you can learn to become better.
                Arthur cried, but was too late. he had a long nose and big nose, forever.