hello,, hello,, hellooooo,, hello-hello Bandung. zzzzzzz i mean hello friends :) how's your day ? have you done your blog jounal ? yaahhh,, this is the first time for me in a new class (wonderful, amazing, extreme, extraordinary and the important thing is faithful class because we're together for 2 years and there are no class that same with us). By the way, why i describe my class ? maybe i have full of spirit to finish this project. hha :P . just to express my feelings when writing this task, actually i'm confuse because it's too hard to find 3 things that can determine or describe me, but day by day i can get inspiration when i did something. Okay just to shorten the time, the first thing is .............................. check it out !
you'll found this item in my sweet pencil case. i have 6 different colour. there are red, blue, green, black, orange and violet that become my favourit colour. in my plan, i want to buy that item until 12 colours. that item, can be used to write something beside the pencil and it's include in the marker family. and what else if not the pen color. it can be used for write or decorate something to make my note book interesting. why i choose this item ? because it can determine me that i like writing and decorate my note book. actually not for writing my feelings in a long story, but just for writing the key point of the subject that can make easier to study and also my note book can be tidier and the last is can increasing my motivation to keep and read my notebook until some years later. beside that, it's the simple item but can colouring something around it to be more beautiful or even bad. it's depends on the person who use it. if i become a pen, and you're the person who use me (pen) to decorate the paper, you'll become a beautiful paper or maybe you can become a bad paper as the result. if you feel happy, enjoy, comfort and sincere when you decorate something, that's true if your paper more beautiful it same with this one, if you enjoy with me, kind to me and can accept me as i am i'll give better impact for you because you already kind to me. i'll always remember you and someday that you get a problem i'll help you as much as possible or maybe i give you chocolate and it can be if i invite you to eat together in a some place and i'll pay it all. different with if you decorate a paper with the angry feeling, it can make your paper beome bad. it's mean that you are the person who does not respect to me, underestimate me and want to do evil to me or maybe hurt me without not knowing my condition maybe i'll dissapointed and annoyed with you just for some times. but take it easy, I also like the "correction fluid". this thing can erase the graffiti of pen colour which i think is bad. the meaning is if you hurt me which can make me down or bad, i'll erase all of your behavior to me as soon as possible. so i'm a girl that can forget something that not good for me. i don't know it's positive or negative for me. I let all of the bad things flow away but i still find the good things in it all. and same like i said before, if my note book look so beautiful i'll keep it = if you kind to me i'll always remember you and keep you also :)
and this is the last thing that can describe me. if colour pen and "stipo" describe my character, this thing describe my physical especially my exotic hair :P . maybe you're alredy know about my last thing that describe my exotic hair. yahh,, what else if not instant noodle. do you know about istant noodle ? it's like my exotic hair. when the noodle still uncooked, it's look curly right ? but if you boil that noodle and you add the water, the noodle become more straight and after you boil it and you put in a plate until dry (there's no water again) the noodle will curly again. it's same with my exotic hair. my hair still curly when i'm not wash my hair or before i wash it and when the wheather is sunny. you can look at this :
this is my exotic hair under the sun and BEFORE i wash my hair ^ ^ |
but, i'll have the straight hair if i wash my hair, when swimming and when rainy season i go out from a building without an umbrella :P haha
maybe it's enough. hopefully with this project we can know each other so we can understand each other also :) and beside that, don't forget to remember me with that 3 things that have similarity with me :D and just for fun, try to answer this questions :P
1. what are the 3 things that can describe me, base on the text above ?
2. why i choose "correction fluid" as the thing that can determine my character ?
3. what is my favourite colour ?
hahahahahahaha,, thank you guys :) and wassalam
1. what are the 3 things that can describe me, base on the text above ?
2. why i choose "correction fluid" as the thing that can determine my character ?
3. what is my favourite colour ?
hahahahahahaha,, thank you guys :) and wassalam